ArchiDoc Products

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ArchiDoc Document Management Systems (DMS) product lines offers secure, reliable and robust DMS for personal use as well as for business of any size. General features:
  • Explorer like user interface,
  • internet type access from anywhere,
  • instant back-up,
  • low implementation cost

All products are built on 3-tier modular model, share the same code base, implements the same up-to-date encryption technique and support the same protocol for data exchange.
The modular structure allows easily adopt to industry specific document nature and business specific document processing rules.
They can be used as stand alone DMSs and/or as collaborating parts of the same chain.
AchiDoc lines include the following products:

ArchiDoc-Light seamlessly creates encripted storage on your PC. It has simple Explorer-like interface and is perfect DMS for personal use or SOHO (Small Office/Home Office).
ArchiDoc-ASP implements Application Service Provider model of the DMS and allows to support hosting of multiple domains (virtually independent data banks).
Customers may administer server soft/hardware themself, or use existing Canteco host. Last case is similar to WEB hosting service and releases customers from burden to acquire and maintain server hard/software.
ArchiDoc implements the same functionality as ArchiDoc-ASP, but on desktops. It does not need any RDBMS or other third-party software.
SPDS-Archive is construction industry-specific edition of ArchiDoc-ASP

It includes the modules reflecting specificity of process of creation, development, archiving and supports of complete sets of the construction documentation at the enterprises and in the design organizations of the construction industry.

Completeness of the decision means support of whole life cycle of the document (projects): creation, development, authorization and changing. "SPDS-ARCHIVE" provides effective protection of the information and flexible system control of access to complete sets elements and documents both for work groups, and for individual users.

"SPDS-ARCHIVE" easily adapts to accepted (in the organization) norms and rules of document processing that also allows easily build the automated monitoring system for the development cycles and execution document processing.

The program complex is built around RDBMS ORACLE and implements worldwide access via any TCP/IP connection.

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