Product Registration

Product Registration

Only $99.50 !

To register ArchiDoc-Light as fully functional desktop system you need:

  1. If you already have installed Shareware (time limited) version of Archidoc on your computer, skip to p. 5.
  2. Dowload 7.9 M.
  3. Unzip and run Setup.exe. Shareware version will be installed.
  4. After installation run CryptoDoc.exe.
  5. Make a payment by clicking 'PayPal Papyment' button and following PayPal's instructions.
    If you are not registered member of PayPal,then click button 'Click Here' neear 'If you have never paid through PayPal,.
    Othervise, enter you PayPal login data - e-mail and password and click 'Continue' button.

    Coming soon!

    At the end of payment process you receive an e-mail receipt for this transaction, confirming your payment and including Transaction ID and other Payment details.
  6. Send e-mail request to This request should contain:
    • Transaction ID in the body of e-mail, and
    • File {Home}/Admin/ArchiDoc.inf as attachment
      ({Home}- directory, where installed program CrytoDoc.exe resides).
After verification you receive e-mail with desktop license and instruction

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Only $69.95 !

To register ArchiDoc as fully functional desktop system you need:

  1. If you already have installed Shareware (time limited) version of Archidoc on your computer, skip to p. 5.
  2. Dowload 7.9 M.
  3. Unzip and run Setup.exe. Shareware version will be installed.
  4. fter installation run ArchiDocAdmin.exe (database administration program) and/or ArchiDocClient.exe (working program).
  5. Make a payment by clicking 'PayPal Papyment' button and following PayPal's instructions.
    If you are not registered member of PayPal,then click button 'Click Here' neear 'If you have never paid through PayPal,.
    Othervise, enter you PayPal login data - e-mail and password and click 'Continue' button.

    At the end of payment process you receive an e-mail receipt for this transaction, confirming your payment and including Transaction ID and other Payment details.
  6. Send e-mail request to This request should contain:
    • Transaction ID in the body of e-mail, and
    • File {Home}/Admin/ArchiDoc.inf as attachment
      ({Home}- directory, where installed programs ArchiDocClient.exe and ArchiDocAdmin.exe reside).
After verification you receive e-mail with desktop license and instruction

learn more | download
News Letter
How the Internet Can Help You Customize Your Sales
by Scott F. Geld
One of the big secrets of making a sale is in knowing what potential customers need and making sure that your service or product meets these needs.
Customers can always spot a one-size-fits-all kind of know, the one that is generic in nature and intended for a broad audience. If you can customize your sales pitch and outline benefits tailored to your customer's needs, then you are well on the way to standing out from the competition.
How can the power of the Internet help you, you ask? It's true that much of the information you need to put a sales proposal together can come directly from your customer. But sometimes getting that information is like pulling hen's teeth isn't it? A less painful approach is to use the internet to research and fill in the details. You can find out a lot about your prospective customer without exchanging a word. Today, using the Internet, it's possible to find out almost anything you want to know by searching online. Product information, annual reports, even information about your contact's favorite hobbies may be revealed. All of this information can help you to put together a presentation or proposal that is customized just for your customer.
When it comes time for that sales contact, you'll be armed with information that will ensure you appear knowledgeable and confident. Your customer will notice that you made the effort to get to know what their needs are. Remember one of the key elements in making a sale is meeting the needs of the customer. Use online research to help you determine those needs.
Scott F. Geld is the Director of Marketing for, a company specializing in affordable traffic (5 cents/visitor) and direct links for $5/link. For more information please visit: